Why Social Media (Mostly) Isn’t the Source of American Polarization

          In the United States, political polarization has reached a fever pitch. Battle lines are drawn on every issue, bipartisan compromise is rare, and even our shared understanding of the facts is eroding. According to the Pew Research Center, over Read More …

Sleepless in America — why our teenagers aren’t getting enough sleep and why it matters.

If you’re the parent of a teenager, you might not want to show them this article because I’m about to give them another reason to complain about getting out of the bed in the morning. If you are a teenager, read on! You have good reason to complain about getting out of bed in the morning. Read More …

Two months ago, youth walked out of school all around the world to protest inaction on climate change… and we’ve already forgotten.

It will be us, the youth, that are forced to live through catastrophic climate change if we do nothing. We cannot vote for our future, so we did what we could — we spoke out. Yet, despite the 1.4 million youth who took action across 100 countries, little has changed. Read More …

American voters don’t choose their representatives: the representatives choose them. Here’s how.

If anything can be said of the electoral college, at least it is a somewhat level playing field for the candidates. The same cannot be said of gerrymandering. The practice was initially conceived by Governor Elbridge Gerry of Massachusetts in Read More …

The dark history of the Electoral College — and how it is still damaging American democracy.

Five times in the history of your country, the American people have made their voice heard – taken time out of their busy days to participate in the electoral process, and despite it all, the president who the majority of Read More …

Does the Senate truly represent the American people?

One person, one vote. This phrase is the very core of democracy, the ultimate statement of human equality. For many us Americans, our democratic process is an integral part of our nation’s identity, and yet America is home to the Read More …